We’re taking measures to ensure your care & safety every step of the way.

To ensure the safety for our patients, staff and medical team, Regenesis have decided to continue with the COVID-19 protocols.

We will continue to offer the same high level of personal service as before, so please feel free to contact us at any time for any appointments or questions you may have.

To book an appointment or consultation please phone: (08) 7225 8810

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.



Is your clinic safe following the COVID-19 outbreak in the state?
We are working hard to keep you safe. The wellbeing and satisfaction of our patients is of the utmost importance to us. As such, we have put strong processes in place to ensure your visit is safe.

  • All our clinical staff will be regularly screened for COVID-19.

  • Any member of staff who develops symptoms or tests positive for the virus (or if someone they live with develops symptoms or tests positive), will not be permitted to enter the clinic.

  • Our clinic has completed COVID-19 Infection Control Training and as such we have extensive experience with infection prevention measures and clinical protocols. Universal precautions will be taken throughout the clinic and our staff have extensive training in infection prevention.

  • Our staff will be wearing appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE), including masks, eye protection and gloves.

  • Your experience may feel a little different to previous times, but your treatment outcome will be of the highest quality as always and all our staff will ensure your visit is an enjoyable one, nonetheless. Despite the fact that progress has been made in reducing the number of COVID-19 infections in South Australia, when you next come to Regenesis the virus will most likely still be present in our local communities to varying degrees. To reduce the overall risks and limit your time spent in the clinic as much as possible, we will ensure where possible that most of the information we require is obtained ahead of your face to face appointment. In addition, where possible we will provide you with the necessary information and advice ahead of your visit.

  • If you, or anyone who lives with you, have symptoms related to COVID-19, please do not come to the clinic. These symptoms primarily include a dry cough and/or a temperature of 37.8°C or more. Other symptoms of the disease are less frequent but may affect you.

  • These include a loss of the sense of taste or smell, fatigue, confusion, sore throat, vomiting and diarrhoea. However, we recommend that you inform your practitioner at the earliest opportunity if you develop ANY symptoms of feeling unwell.

  • If you, your partner, or other person who lives with you, tests positive for COVID-19 on a PCR (Antigen) test, even if asymptomatic, please do not come to the clinic. The PCR test is the one in which swabs are taken from your mouth and nose.

  • When visiting our clinic, we would ask you to arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment time. Because of these new procedures in place, we may not be able to accommodate patients who arrive later than agreed. Should you arrive earlier you will be asked to wait outside, until it is time for your appointment.

  • Patients attending the clinic in person will be required to follow social distancing rules and whenever possible to keep the recommended distance.

  • To ensure the safety of everyone in the clinic, patients will be asked to come alone and for any accompanying person to wait outside. Should you need a person with you – for translation, mobility needs and similar – please confirm it at the time of your booking.

  • On entering the clinic, you will be required to have your temperature taken and to complete a questionnaire to update us on your health and wellbeing.

  • Hand sanitisers will be available for you to use upon entry, both before entering the consultation room and on departure.

  • Patients will be asked to wear masks when appropriate in line with restrictions.

  • Bathroom facilities will remain available.

  • How do I book an appointment?
  • To make an appointment for a consultation at Regenesis please call
    (08) 7225 8810

  • What safety measures do you have in place for when I visit a clinic?
    Regenesis has a series of bespoke safety measures in place to protect patients and our staff whilst attending our clinics.

  • We will be restricting clinic access to our patients only; please inform staff when booking your appointment if you need a visitor, chaperone, or interpreter.

  • Please arrive no more than 5 minutes outside your agreed designated appointment time to enable us to effectively manage the number of patients in the clinic at any one time.

  • We will be spacing our treatments and appointment times in accordance with social distancing guidelines.

  • Screening of both our staff and patients to test for high temperatures and symptoms indicating the presence of coronavirus will take place on arrival.

  • Multiple hand sanitiser gel points will be available including on entry to the clinic and before entering one of the consultation rooms.

  • Masks will be available for you where appropriate and will also be worn by all staff you may encounter whilst attending the clinic.

  • Robust cleaning schedules will be in place for all contact points including door handles, light switches, toilets and other surfaces and areas.

  • Our medical practitioners and administration team will adhere to the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), particularly when undertaking any patient examinations and/or tests.

  • We will ask you to observe the distance rule where possible and prefer credit card payments.

  • What happens if I develop symptoms close to my appointment or procedure?
  • If you, or anyone who lives with you, have symptoms related to COVID-19, please do not come to the clinic. These symptoms primarily include a dry cough and/or a temperature of 37.8°C or higher. Other symptoms of the disease are less frequent but may affect you. These include a loss of the sense of taste or smell, fatigue, confusion, sore throat, vomiting and diarrhoea. However, we recommend that you inform a member of our reception team at the earliest opportunity if you develop ANY symptoms of feeling unwell.

  • I have had COVID-19, can I go ahead with treatment?
  • Depending on the procedure, you may be asked to be tested for COVID-19, regardless of the fact that you may have had it. This is to ensure the safety of staff and other patients.

  • Anyone who has had COVID-19, should follow government advice on the required time of self-isolation.

  • What aftercare will be available following my procedure during the COVID-19 outbreak in the state?
  • Every procedure has a specific aftercare programme associated to it which will be clearly explained at the time of consultation.



  • If you have a history of cold sores please let the doctor know, they may put you on an anti-viral medication prior to treatment.

  • Consuming alcoholic beverages 24 hours prior to treatment may thin the blood and increase the risk of bruising.

  • Medications and supplements such as Aspirin, Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements, Ibuprofen, Advil have a blood thinning effect and can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injections.

  • Discontinue Retin-A 2 days prior and 2-day post treatment.


  • It is advised not to manipulate the treated area for 3 hours following treatment unless instructed by the doctor.

  • Laser treatments should be avoided for 14 days post injections. Ask the doctor if you are not sure about the time frame of certain services.

  • We recommend not to lie down for 4 hours after your Anti-wrinkle injections. This will prevent the product from tracking into the orbit of your eye and cause drooping of the eyelid.

  • It can take approximately 7 to 10 days for results to be seen. If the desired result is not seen after 2 weeks of your treatment you may need additional units.

  • You are charged for the areas injected on the day. Therefore, you may be charged for additional product used during any touch up or subsequent review appointments.

  • Avoid activities involving straining, heavy lifting, or vigorous exercise for 6 hours after treatment. This will keep the product in the injected area.

  • PRP
  • Avoid significant movement or massage of the treated area. Unless instructed by the doctor.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.

  • Avoid extensive sun or heat for 72 hours.

  • Avoid consuming excess amounts of alcohol or salts to avoid excess swelling.

  • If you have swelling you may apply a cool compress for 15 minutes each hour or apply Hirudoid Cream as directed. No ice.

  • Use Panadol for discomfort.

  • Try to sleep face up and slightly elevated if you experience swelling.

  • Swelling is normal and will subside in a few days and the product injected may take around 2 weeks to settle.

  • If you have any further questions, Call (08) 7225 8810 or in an emergency present at the nearest hospital if outside surgery hours.


    MONDAY – 9am – 5pm
    TUESDAY – 9am – 6pm
    WEDNESDAY – 9am – 5:30pm
    THURSDAY – 9am – 7pm
    FRIDAY – 9am – 5pm